About Bobby Taylor

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

My name is Bobby Taylor.

I am a full-time ministry, intecessory missionary at the International House of Prayer. I am also pursuing a degree at the Forerunner School of Ministry in the Apostolic Preaching Program.

IHOP in K.C. is a 24/7 prayer and worship gathering center. IHOP focuses on radical christian living with an emphasis on growing in intimacy with Jesus Christ through prayer, fasting, studying God’s Word, and living a Sermon on the Mount lifestyle.

So, you ask, what is an intercessory missionary? Basically, my main area of ministry is intercession and worship in the two prayer rooms that are a part of the IHOP Missions Base. I spend around 40 hours a week in the prayer rooms focused solely on prayer. Intercession is the “governmental seat” of the world. God chose to use us, weak human beings, as the way that He administers His government here on earth. When we pray, God moves on our behalf and things shift in the heavenly realm (which in turn affects the physical realm). I have included a slightly more in depth study (with scripture references) on the back of this letter. In addition to the time spent in prayer, I am also a full-time student at the Forerunner School of Ministry (FSM). FSM is a full-time Bible school redefining theological education through night and day prayer. Students are required to take a full load of theological classes, have a practicum that must be completed each semester (i.e. street evangelism, working in the healing and prophecy rooms, leading end-times focused small groups, and missions), and must spend a minimum of 24 hours a week in the Global Prayer Room (I choose the 40!).

Psalm 134:1 says, “Behold, bless the Lord, all servants of the Lord, who serve by night in the house of the Lord!” Here at IHOP, I am a member of the Nightwatch which means that I am in the prayer room during the hours of 12 midnight to 6am. God is raising up a night and day prayer movement all over the earth. He is looking for those who will serve Him by night. God has shown me that for this season of my life, I am one called to serve Him in the night. He has called me to stand by night and join those fanning the flame on the altar.

Before I came here I was a youth and young adult pastor for 2 & 1/2 years at an Assemblies of God Church back in Louisiana. I really enjoyed those years, but the Lord has now called me to a different season in my life. Just like that season I really am enjoying this season of my life.

I am supported like any other missionary by friends and family back in Louisiana. I am sooo blessed by God through these loving and giving people.

My testimony can be seen on one of my other pages called Bobby Taylor's Testimony page.
The testimony page can be found under the More Various Information Section or by selecting to View My Complete Profile.